Playing W/ Paper
Collaging. A meditative and therapeutic practice of cutting, shifting and rearranging of pieces. This started off as a work activity that I would participate in, alongside (gifted) young people for a couple hours for a couple of weeks on Zoom. What began during the early months of the pandemic has perhaps blossomed ( with some encouragement from a friend..) into a hobby, maybe.. This tactile exercise, that has given me new kind of language and it is a rich and varied expression. Up until now, I have I spent the last few months sharing some of my process “playing with paper” only to a select few on my Close friends channel on Instagram. I wanted to share that process with you, too.
No, I don’t know what I’m doing (or what I’m going to do with them) much like photography, the images are hidden in plain sight and are only as expansive as the viewers own creativity. What I do know while I’m on this exploration, for however long I’m on it- is that the pieces I make and the stories I want to tell or feeling I hope to evoke will be rooted in Blackness.
In Her Garden, Collage on paper, 2020
Bouquet in Black, Collage on paper, 2020
What’s hidden is Found, Collage in paper 2020
A Head of Roses, Collage on paper 2021
For Lorna, For Mae, Collage on paper 2021